Author name: Paul Ventura

I teach webmasters and business owners everything they need to know about digital marketing for their websites from copywriting, analytics, social media, and even how to get Google to like them.

how to use pop ups

How to Use Pop Ups

Let’s talk about something pretty divisive: pop ups. Specifically let’s talk about how to use pop ups. Awhile back I took part in an Aweber seminar about web forms and the moderator running the seminar polled the room for people’s thoughts on popups. (Probably) not surprisingly, it was split pretty dramatically; with 5% (including me)

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what is social proof

What Is Social Proof and How Can It Make Or Break Your Site/Business Online?

Social proof is continuing to play an ever increasing role in determining how web pages are ranking in the major search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. This post will answer what is social proof and explain why it is playing such a large role in SEO. What is Social Proof? Social proof is when

What Is Social Proof and How Can It Make Or Break Your Site/Business Online? Read More »

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