Author name: Paul Ventura

I teach webmasters and business owners everything they need to know about digital marketing for their websites from copywriting, analytics, social media, and even how to get Google to like them.

How Do You Presell

What is Preselling and How Do You Presell Effectively?

In online marketing we work to create traffic to our sites through paid and organic means, but once that traffic has reached our site, our attention shifts to converting on that traffic. There are a lot of different ways to do that between good sales page copywriting, split testing, and other techniques such as preselling.

What is Preselling and How Do You Presell Effectively? Read More »

Algorithmic Google Penalties

Manual Vs. Algorithmic Google Penalties – What’s the Difference?

Awhile back I talked about getting the dreaded letter from Google informing you that they’ve detected that you’re doing something they don’t like. Matt Cutts, the face of Google’s web spam team, has said that they try to avoid the word “penalties” but instead favor the term “manual action”. Algorithmic Google Penalties A manual action

Manual Vs. Algorithmic Google Penalties – What’s the Difference? Read More »

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