Author name: Paul Ventura

I teach webmasters and business owners everything they need to know about digital marketing for their websites from copywriting, analytics, social media, and even how to get Google to like them.

built links versus earned links

Built Links Versus Earned Links – Why the Difference Could Save Your Business

In the past, I’ve talked at length about the many different “types of links“. One way, reciprocal, networks, nofollow versus dofollow, the list goes on. But in the end, there’s really only one distinction which Google (and consequently YOU ought to) care about. Let’s talk about the difference between built links versus earned links. Built

Built Links Versus Earned Links – Why the Difference Could Save Your Business Read More »

what is google rank brain

What is Google’s Rank Brain and How Does it Affect Your Rankings?

Rank Brain is one of Google’s top three ranking factors, meaning that it’s one of the single most important keys in determining which web pages top Google for any given keyword search. After Rank Brain launched early in 2015, more news has been circulating about generally what it is and how it affects Google’s rankings,

What is Google’s Rank Brain and How Does it Affect Your Rankings? Read More »

What is the Google Knowledge Graph

What is the Google Knowledge Graph and is it Stealing My Traffic?

We all know that Google has been getting progressively more intelligent when it comes to presenting search results and answering people’s questions for years. The Google Knowledge Graph is the quintessential example of this where it’s gotten so intelligent and effective at delivering information for search queries (it’s primary reason for existing remember), it’s beginning

What is the Google Knowledge Graph and is it Stealing My Traffic? Read More »

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