The other day I talked about how to use Pinterest for marketing. I got a couple of emails asking for more info on it, so I thought I’d follow up last week’s post with a few ideas on how to make money with Pinterest and use it more effectively.
How to Make Money With Pinterest
Catalog – This one is pretty straightforward, but if you have a product list then you can include product images, details, and most importantly links to all of your products. A board looks like a catalog page as it is, so this is an effective technique. Think about including a price either on the image itself or in the description so that viewers recognize that it’s something which they are able to purchase, presumably if they follow the link.
Contests – Contests are great ways to build a following just like on Twitter. Make up some prize and make people repin your content as well as details on the contest (yes make a pin for the contest too) over and over as the criteria for the contest to see your following grow.
Call to Action – Include calls to action in your description boxes for your pins to get people to take action and follow you or check out your site. Sometimes it just takes minimal effort on your part to get someone to click through or realize that there is something to click through to.
Coupons – You can make coupons out of your pins as everyone likes a deal. You might even think about integrating your Groupon account as a great way to make some extra money on daily deals. This is very lucrative if you have a decent following and a targeted offer as you can imagine.
Organization – Make sure to organize your content/boards accordingly so that your pins are as targeted to your visitors as possible so you don’t lose interest and or followers.
Viral Imaging – Again, since the focus of the site really is about the images, you’ve got to make your images worthy of going viral as these are the ones which perform the best and make the site work. Think memes, lolcatz, etc. as things which perform well, so if you can integrate something which has a chance of going even moderately viral, you’ll have a better chance of building up your following and exposure.
Ultimately, Pinterest really is valuable and even genius when you think about it; they found a way to get people to look at and more importantly share what are essentially ads if you use them correctly (again, pins which are madeup of text, images, and links for many products) all day long, so make sure that you take advantage of it and don’t miss the boat.